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The Rover Scout program, allows Rovers to enjoy challenging and enjoyable adventures with their peers. This program enables youth to find personal interests with guidance from mentors as the final scouting program before embarking into the world.

The Rover program offers:


  • Opportunities for longer expeditions such as portaging trips, backpacking trips, volunteer service, mentorship, and so much more;

  • The chance to camp, explore the outdoors, and develop good conservation practices at a higher level than in previous programs;

  • The opportunity for individuals to embark on their journey to find responsibility in themselves and in others;

  • The chance to challenge one's personal goals with support from a mentor;

  • Use a full set of tools to be able to understand themselves and those they will meet along their personal journeys throughout life after the Rover program.

Rover Promise:

On my honour I promise that I will do my best,

to do my duty to God and the Queen,

to help other people at all times,

and to carry out the spirit of the Scout Law.


Rover Law:

A Scout is helpful and trustworthy,

kind and cheerful,

considerate and clean,

wise in the use of all resources.


Rover Motto:

Go Beyond

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